
CHARM SCHOOL: How to choose the right Profile Picture

by Leonore Dicker
In this day and age, the way a woman introduces herself through her social media accounts highly impacts the way people perceive her – and this all begins with a simple profile picture.
While a picture can only say so much about oneself, it can very easily say the wrong thing. It doesn’t matter how sweet and kind a lady is in real life, if her profile picture isn’t appropriate, people will judge her for it.
Here is what you should bear in mind when choosing a suitable profile picture worthy of the finest of ladies.
-Post a selfie
While a picture is usually better when taken as a selfie (as we all know our best angles), it can give out the wrong image. Researches show that others will critique an individual who has a self-taken profile picture and will label him or her as a narcissist. If you really insist on taking it yourself, it would be best to use a selfie-stick (for deception reasons).
-Post anything blurry
Many women have a blurry profile picture and while that may be artsy, it also makes them appear insecure and as though they have something to hide. A lady should be proud of who she is, without being too imposing.
-Post something too grand
We strongly advise against posting anything too grand. If a picture could make anyone feel uncomfortable or envious, it’s better not to have it as a profile picture. A lady should be respectful towards others and should always be proper.
-Post a group photo
Posting group photographs isn’t recommended, as it would seem that you’re hiding in the crowd. Solo pictures are better as someone should immediately know whose profile it is simply by looking at the profile picture. If you absolutely must post a snap with your best friends, then it is crucial that you choose a picture where everyone looks good. It would be frowned upon and very unladylike to choose a picture where you look good but no one else does.

-Post something current
Aging is never easy but trying to constantly hide it is not the best solution. By posting an outdated photograph, you’d be admitting to others that you aren’t secure in your own skin. A lady cherishes herself and the process of life.
While the fashion industry is all about that fierce look and straight face, your profile picture should make you appear likeable. No one wants to be friends with someone who never smiles – so turn that frown upside down. 
-Look natural
It’s important for people to recognize you when they look at your profile picture. If you’re covered in make-up and wearing a glittery gown, the photograph won’t necessarily look like you. Choose a natural look instead.
And Remember:
- Anything you post online becomes public; so make sure you are comfortable with that
- Don’t overthink it. Be confident about your choice as you can always post a new one if you change your mind.
- Be receptive and kind to other people’s reactions. If someone compliments you for your photograph, “like” their comment or thank them for it. Kindness always goes a long way.