
CHARM SCHOOL: How to Enter and Leave a Room with Grace

by Leonore Dicker
Attending social events is always a fun experience ­­– and yet arriving (and leaving them) can be daunting. Some people refuse to enter a room by themselves, while others feel anxious at the sight of a crowded space.
We all enjoy making a grand entrance, but sometimes it’s best no to. When entering an event, a lady should never interrupt an interesting conversation, as it would make her look self-absorbed. Instead, she should walk in with confidence, head up, shoulders down and immediately make herself known to the host and hostess. Whether she chooses to enter with others or by herself isn’t important – what matters is her poise and elegance.
It’s also always good to discreetly look around and assess the atmosphere before throwing oneself into a social scene. If the ambience is calm, a lady shouldn’t be loud and intrusive. If the event is buzzing, she should impose herself slightly without becoming too egotistic. Most of all, she should have a smile on her face and be full of grace.
When it comes to leaving an event, it’s crucial to be certain of one’s exit. Loitering in the hallway with a coat on is never a good idea. Instead, a lady should immediately inform others that she is leaving and say her goodbyes. Thanking the hosts is vital. Leaving discreetly is important too, as one should never disrupt other people’s enjoyment.
And remember to:
-Always close the door behind you
-Never have your back turned to the room
-Leave before the very end as to not outstay your welcome
-Leave discreetly as to not precipitate the end of the party