While we are in lockdown mode, most of us spend a lot of time on social media. And with our favorite celebrities and influencers out there sharing some of their best moments with us, things became lighter and more positive, especially that we are all in this together. So what have they been up to? Keep reading!
As we go on living our lives, we are thankful to have come across such amazing and inspiring women. Not only have they been helpful during these trying times, but also they give us our daily doses of hope, happiness and fun. A simple thank you is just not enough for these heroes!
Article Written by Gabrielle El Kosseifi

Dana Hourani and her little Zoe are just amazing, don’t you think? Between dancing, cooking and playing around the house, we wait eagerly for their next video. Between the Tiktok videos and the social media challenges, we’re having a blast! And of course, we’re enjoying listening to her latest releases!

Karen Wazen has definitely managed to steel our hearts with her lovely twins Kay and Karlie and the sweetest Georgy. She plays a leading role in this crisis as she spreads awareness and supports so many in need. As for the joy this lovely family fills us with, we can only say it’s endless. Between social media challenges, cooking, kids’ activities and many other funny moments, they definitely manage to make our hearts all happy and fuzzy!

As for Nour Arida’s family members, they are equally special! Between little Ayla and her adorable dog Chase we get an overdose of cuteness. Not only is she spreading hope during these hard times, but she’s also sharing some very useful fashion tricks and hairstyles as well. Raquel also shares some activities with Dana and Karen, as the three of them try to curl their hair with braids, and they do some fun workouts with Tracy Harmoush on Instagram.

When we’re in search for another daily dose of cuteness, we check out Raquel Zaatar’s updates on social media. With little Zeid and her adorable newborn Raï, this amazing family adds a ray of sunshine to our currently gloomy skies. As a new mom – for the second time – Raquel shares some bath and diaper changing tips to help other moms out there.

Lana El Sahely might have taken some time off from social media for family reasons. But once she came back, she shared a truly inspiring message about grieving with all of us. Today, once again, we get to enjoy her beautiful life moments with her handsome little man, Zeid.

Zeynab El-helw has always given us everything we need when it comes to skincare, beauty and hair tips, which came in super handy during our quarantine. With her little Luca by her side, Zeynab continues to kindly share their cutest moments making every day brighter than the other!

Rita Dahdah, or as we all know her “Riri Dada”, has been really down to earth when it comes to dealing with the lockdown; she’s been sharing how hard it is some days – which I’m sure we’ve all experienced by now – and how it’s important to never lose hope. As for her videos on Tiktok and with her little man Brandon, we’re having a blast watching them.

Cook, mother, and stylist, you just name it! You guessed it: we’re talking about Dina Zahran! With her love for colors, she definitely manages to add a ray of sunshine to our lives. And with her two little angels, Haya and Seif, she tries to make the best out of her quarantine which means sharing more lovely moments for us to enjoy.