Stay At Home

Make your Home a Productive Fortress

I know, we all miss how our lives used to be: between missing our shopping sprees, nights out with the girls, and most importantly hugging our loved ones, we can’t wait to get back to our “normal” state.

I know, we all miss how our lives used to be: between missing our shopping sprees, nights out with the girls, and most importantly hugging our loved ones, we can’t wait to get back to our “normal” state. But we are where we are, and we have to try and make the best out of it. That’s why we thought of sharing a couple of ideas with you that might help you out.

Article written by Gabrielle Kosseifi

<p>Find ways to release stress. Whether through boxing, meditating, dancing, writing or singing, find the way that suits you best to replace your negative vibes with positive ones.</p>

Find ways to release stress. Whether through boxing, meditating, dancing, writing or singing, find the way that suits you best to replace your negative vibes with positive ones.

<p>If you feel like the walls are closing in on you, this means it’s time for some redecoration. Make your space look wider, open those curtains and enjoy some natural light.</p>

If you feel like the walls are closing in on you, this means it’s time for some redecoration. Make your space look wider, open those curtains and enjoy some natural light.

<p>If you miss your outdoor activities and want to do something fun, you can always put your tent in your backyard (assuming you have one), and with your barbecue all set and ready, your picnic will be on point. It’s definitely not as good as having trees all around you but hey, you work with what you have.</p>

If you miss your outdoor activities and want to do something fun, you can always put your tent in your backyard (assuming you have one), and with your barbecue all set and ready, your picnic will be on point. It’s definitely not as good as having trees all around you but hey, you work with what you have.

<p>If you have kids and you’re trying your best to keep your routines on track, why not make it a way to enjoy a mother/daughter spa day together? Go online and find home-spa ideas that you will both enjoy.</p>

If you have kids and you’re trying your best to keep your routines on track, why not make it a way to enjoy a mother/daughter spa day together? Go online and find home-spa ideas that you will both enjoy.

<p>Go to your attic and bring down those games. Between puzzles, board games and quizzes, you’re definitely in for a lot of fun.</p>

Go to your attic and bring down those games. Between puzzles, board games and quizzes, you’re definitely in for a lot of fun.

<p>Dedicate fun time for your kids. We all know that they are all firecrackers with all the energy they have, and now with their confinement, you will need different ideas to keep them busy. Try getting them to color, dance, watch a movie or if they like doing something else let them, as long as they’re happy and safe.</p>

Dedicate fun time for your kids. We all know that they are all firecrackers with all the energy they have, and now with their confinement, you will need different ideas to keep them busy. Try getting them to color, dance, watch a movie or if they like doing something else let them, as long as they’re happy and safe.

Don’t skip your exercises. Movement is very important for your physical and mental health; if you can’t do it on your own, there are endless of live and free classes online you can check out.

Don’t skip your exercises. Movement is very important for your physical and mental health; if you can’t do it on your own, there are endless of live and free classes online you can check out.