
Bridal Beauty – The Final Checklist

The two weeks before your wedding day are certainly the most stressful ones. As all the ideas and concerns rush through your head, you’re left with an unbearable feeling of stress that might lead you to a break-down. But hey, we won’t let this happen – no matter what! With your sanity and emotional peace in mind, we have come up with a checklist that will help you get through this period of time in grace.

  • As your makeup and hairstyle are already chosen, you need to make sure that all the needed beauty products – such as concealer, hairspray and deodorant – for a touch-up during the ceremony are made available. Stick to the essential ones and pack them in a small bag two weeks before the big day in order to avoid emergencies.
  • When it comes to your beauty routine, stick to the skincare products that you usually use. Don’t, under any circumstances try out a new one that might deteriorate your skin or make it dull before the much-awaited day.
  • Just like skincare, a new hair dye is a no-no unless you’re opting for the usual color.
  • Instead of drowning yourself with stress and worries, spare some time for a spa treatment and a mani/pedi during the week before your wedding. Think about yourself as a beautiful bride who deserves some pampering and let go of all your concerns.
  • If you need a waxing session, make sure to schedule it 4 or 5 days before the big day. This will give your skin some time to heal from irritations and redness in case there was any. And don’t forget to avoid waxing at home using DIY recipes and leave the matter in the hands of professionals.
  • Make sure to sleep well during the week before your wedding and most importantly, drink a lot of water to stay hydrated by drinking a lot of water.
  • If you feel like your hair is dry, don’t hesitate to visit the hairdresser and ask him for a quick deep conditioning treatment.
  • If your swimsuit left some marks on your body while tanning, visit a spa for a quick spray tan to get rid of those lines and avoid sun exposure afterwards by using a high-protection sunscreen.
  • Trust that you’ve done a great job planning this wedding and this will be one of the very few resolutions that will get you through this week sanely!

Article Written by Mirella Haddad