
Things to do the Night Before your Wedding Day

Getting married is probably one of the most – if not the most – memorable event in a woman’s life. And planning for the big day? Well it might just be one of the most stress-inducing, nerve-wracking, tiring processes in the world of events. But the fact is, it never stopped anyone from doing it properly and it probably never will.

A bride only wants three things: one, for everyone to have fun at her wedding, two, for the groom not to run awa, and three, for every single thing to go as planned. And while these requests might seem extremely small to any other human being, a bride can never contain the level of stress when it comes to her one and only wedding – hopefully. With that in mind, can you imagine how nervous a bride must be the night before the big day?

So bride-to-be, if you’re having wedding jitters and can’t help shake off the horrible thoughts, then we’ve got just the thing for you. We’ve compiled a list of must-do things before you get hitched. You’ll thank us later.

  1. There’s nothing quite like peace of mind. But in order to achieve that, you’re going to want to align everything so that it all goes smoothly. Last-minute arrangements can range from packing flats for the party, to making sure the rings are in good hands and so on. Make a checklist and make sure you follow through every point.
  2. Pack a bag of personal items – items that you might be needing come the big day. Don’t over-pack though!
  3. Eat well. We can’t stress this enough. We don’t want you to end up not fitting in your wedding gown but we also don’t want you to faint as you walk down the aisle. Eat lots of fruits and veggies and make sure you load upon Vitamin C before the big day.
  4. Touch base with your wedding planner. Odds are she knows what she/he’s doing more than you do, so delegate your last-minute tasks and give yourself some time to rest.
  5. Drink a lot of water to help reduce your anxiety level. Enough said.
  6. Sleep well. Don’t stay up until 3 am and complain the next day about how tired you are. The more you relax, the better you’ll wake up in the morning.
  7. Spend your last night with your friends and keep your worries tucked away, deep in a little drawer!


Article Written by Cindy Menassa