
Everything You Need to Know About Relieving Wedding Stress

Having wedding jitters is completely normal and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. But there’s also a fine line between stressing and being completely out of your mind trying to bend over backwards to achieve perfection – because we all know that there’s no such thing as pleasing everyone.

And perhaps the most stress-inducing period is the time leading up to the big wedding day, when you’re so overwhelmed with last-minute preparations that you don’t really know what day it is, let alone your name. That’s why it’s always well advised that brides take a moment to relax and think about the bigger picture here: they’re celebrating the beginning of a very beautiful journey with their other-halves, and there’s really no reason as to why they should overthink anything. But since we know you, beautiful bride-to-be, we thought it best to highlight a few tips and tricks to get you through the tough period with zen and grace.

  1. Wedding preps are part of a journey you should be enjoying, because looking back, you will be longing for the “simpler times”. And so, keep in mind that losing sleep over your wedding day/night is never a good idea.  At the end of the day, all what matters is that you’re surrounded by your future husband, your family and friends and you will get through it all together.
  2. If all the “zen” talk is not doing it for you, remember that preparing a checklist can help you out. A lot. So take notes of all the things you need to do and prioritize the essentials by order of importance
  3. Delegating tasks doesn’t mean you’re a bad bride/planner. It just means that you’re smart enough not to overwhelm yourself with unnecessary shenanigans. Enter the maid of honor. Give her some tasks – which we’re sure she’ll be happy to do – and don’t forget that you can always count on the groom and on your family as well.
  4. If you want a stress-free planning period, then always allot time to your fiancé. Schedule date nights, squeeze in some quality time with him and make sure you share with him your worries and concerns to put him in the loop of the latest happenings. Who knows, maybe he can even help!
  5. Take some time to think about yourself as well. Put yourself first and pamper yourself with a spa day or a yoga session.


Article Written by Cindy Menassa