
Honeymoon Lovin’ – How to Pack Light?

Frankly, with all the ordeal that comes with the wedding shenanigans, some newlyweds might find it kind of relaxing once the big day is over. After all, weddings are not the easiest of events to prepare for; you have the engagement party, the pre-wedding and well, the wedding itself – and that’s because we still haven’t mentioned the hoard of tasks you have to complete in order to get it all right.

So the idea of life after the wedding doesn’t sound so bad now, does it? In fact, the post-wedding phase is still in the newlyweds’ side of the “married life” spectrum, as there still is the ever-so famous honeymoon! Couples usually choose a tropical destination to relax after all the hectic events, but others might choose metropolitan cities that they have yet to discover. Today, we’re going to focus all our efforts on making your honeymoon packing a whole lot easier and that much lighter – you don’t want to come back with a herniated disk, do you now?

So ladies, read below as we take you through the fine art of travelling light (even if you’re dying to pack your entire closet with you).

  1. The best-case scenario here is to prepare everything in advance, before the wedding even happens. Because let’s face it, after the big day, you’ll be too tired to think about your food, let alone life itself. So yeah, the sooner you prepare yourself, the better.
  2. Second, you can never go wrong with a list of the things you need to pack. And no, we’re not talking about that dress you haven’t worn since your last day of high school. Also, consulting with your partner is never a bad idea, as you can ultimately optimize your packing options.
  3. Next, get your destination in check; finalize your travel plans and you’ll be able to set a list of your must-pack essentials accordingly. For instance, if you’re going to a beach destination, then it goes without saying that you’ll need to pack some swimsuits, some sundresses, sunglasses and sandals – amongst other stuff. If you’re going to a big city, you’ll probably be needing a pair of jeans, some sneakers and a bunch of savvy outfits for a fancy night out.
  4. But before you go all out with the packing shenanigans, check the weather first. Who knows, there might be rainy days and maybe even colder ones.
  5. Always divide your outfits between daywear and nightwear, that way, you won’t have it all confused in your head.
  6. Now the shoes; we women can never have enough of these beauties, but remember you only have two feet. So just pack the essentials and forget about these pair of funky shoes you bought on a whim 15 years ago.
  7. Pack less bottoms and more tops, that’s our motto.
  8. As for your bags, pick one for your daytime activities and another one for the night. And that’s us being generous.

Article Written by Cindy Menassa