
When Dior Elevates the Pampering Levels

Indulge in a setting similar to a symbolic encounter between the extraordinary gardens of Monsieur Dior and the ever so characteristic dolce vita of Portofino.

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After welcoming guests to treatment rooms set amidst nature for the past two summers, setting up its Jardin des Rêves with its skincare gazebos, it is now offering a new Mediterranean residence dedicated to well-being. In short, it’s time to shift things around with, of course, an elevated level of luxury and pampering.

Who? Dior Beauty.

What? A permanent spa – the first – named “Dior Spa Splendido”

Where? At the iconic and newly renovated Splendido, a Belmond Hotel, in Portofino Italy.

When? Starting June 2025.

Why? To offer you a luxurious well-being experience like no other. 
