Jewelry & Watches

Louis Vuitton Sets New Records in the World of High Jewelry

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All Images Are Courtesy of Nathaniel Goldberg

"Awakened Hands, Awakened Minds" celebrates the transformative era of 19th century France, echoing Louis Vuitton's magnificent beginnings. In 2024, Louis Vuitton's High Jewelry Collection transcends time, inviting us to an era where French savoir-faire and ingenuity flourish, marking history. This collection pays homage to the artisans and innovators who shaped France's cultural landscape, where craftsmanship became synonymous with luxury and innovation. With 220 unique masterpieces spanning 13 captivating themes, it is a testament to the enduring spirit of creativity and excellence. This journey begins with the unveiling of 105 pieces and 11 themes in the first chapter in June 2024, marking a significant milestone in Louis Vuitton's legacy. From woodworking and textiles to jewelry making, this collection encapsulates the explosion of talent that defined this transformative period in French history.

"Coeur de Paris," the crown jewel of this collection, emerges as the most exquisite and expensive piece ever unveiled in a High Jewelry collection, symbolizing the pinnacle of craftsmanship and innovation. As Louis Vuitton pushes the boundaries of High Jewelry with its largest launch to date, "Awakened Hands, Awakened Minds" stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of French savoir-faire and the timeless allure of innovation.