
The Right Shirt For Your Skin Tone

People tend to believe that wearing colors can widely bring out their best features. Mind you, they go out of their ways to get a single item in all the colors available. And that’s where they’re conclusively wrong!

In the past, bright and shiny colors were never on a man’s agenda. And even if guys were more lenient to this possibility, they simply couldn’t because of silly social norms and standards. So as we tackle this issue, sit back and count your lucky stars you were born at a time where wearing colors is not a blasphemous act.

As our experience goes, choosing the right shirt color for your skin tone can do wonders. Ever stopped and asked yourself why that guy in front of you got a whole lot of glances from the ladies? Ever wondered why that same guy has always had a successful past with girls? Well, rest assured, it’s all about the color-skin tone combination. Our goal? We want you to be a daredevil till the end- and then beyond the end. We want you to look back and say “Hey! I do look swell wearing that color!”. And for you to do so – or rather look so – you should memorize the skin tone vs color formula by heart!

The surge in popularity of colors is making us jump on the trend, so we’re cordially inviting you to take a leap of faith in the magical world of brighty brights!

Dark Skin-tone

If you want to best complement your dark skin, you should definitely opt for lighter colors. Meaning, T-shirts that vary within pink, khaki, blue, green and white tones are your perfect match! Meanwhile, colors such as brown and navy are a big no-no – or at least try to keep them to a minimum.

Medium Skin-tone

If you have an olive skin-tone, then your choices are more restrained, consider a continuum of colors for example: if you pick a blue-ish tone, then go for a lighter blue or a darker blue. The same goes for the rest of the colors. No middle grounds! The colors to avoid are the ones that are more similar to your skin-tone, such as olive green, pistachio or yellow hues.

Fair Skin-tone

If you have a fair skin-tone, it probably means you are pale; which is not a bad thing, especially if you master your way to complimenting it with the right colors. What you want to do here is opt for darker colors as to create a contract. For example, you will definitely pull off wearing bold shades such as dark green, deep blue hues, brown, black , purple and burgundy. Do avoid washed-out colors like pastel tones. You don’t want to add another layer of pale to your complexion! 


Cindy Menassa