
What Should I Eat After Working Out?

You went to the gym, punched in a beasty session and now you are super hungry. That's extremely normal, as you have just burned hundreds of calories and your body is aching to get its energy back. What you need to do now is eat something deliciously nutritious and avoid any foods that will put everything you just burnt right back on to your hips. 

So now that your body is in recovery mode, you need a dish rich in nutrients. Below are some options to satisfy your hunger and keep your fabulous shape intact!

1 – A plate of grilled chicken and mixed vegetables will provide you with protein, carbohydrates without making you feel overly bloated.

2 – Since eggs are known to be a good source of protein and help muscles recover and grow, make yourself a veggie omelet garnished with a few slices of avocado. Avocado is like olive oil, it helps your body to better absorb vitamins like A, D, E and K – which are stocked with antioxidants or in other terms, the best body-boosters.

3 – What about a yumm dish of salmon and sweet potatoes? While the salmon plays a role in inflammation reduction, regulation of insulin levels and joint support, the sweet potato restores the levels of glycogen that get depleted after a workout session.

4 – If you exercise before lunchtime, a whole wheat sandwich of tuna, hummus and spinach is great for you. Tuna is low in calories and high in protein, while hummus is high in fibers and better than mayo or mustard. As for the spinach, it is literally a powerhouse: it curbs your appetite, boosts your complexion and lowers blood pressure and inflammation.

5 – If you just feel like having a snack, a cup of chocolate milk is what you need. It has carbs and protein for muscle recovery, water to replace the fluids you lost during your workout, in addition to calcium, the sodium and sugar will help you regain your energy.  


Mirella Haddad