
List of Things to Do Before Turning 30

If you think positively, age is nothing but a number and womanhood can be achieved in different ways. Why wait until you turn 40 or older to do things that you have always loved to experience? 

If you are in your 20s, you must be aware that a feeling of freedom and responsibility fills you and keeps you impatiently waiting to experience the sweetness of life.  While waiting to become an “official grown-up”, here is a list of 8 things that could help you live your age to the fullest. 

1 – Live abroad as your 20s are a great time to explore life in other countries. Being a part of a totally different culture is a unique education. 

2 – Experience the liberating feeling of forgiveness by understanding your parents’ disapproval of your life choices and you will feel like a real grown-up.

3 – Read classic books about women to discover the meaning of being a female in the past and how this affects her role today. 

4 – You might think that it’s too late to learn a new language, but this is totally not true. This step helps your career, makes your traveling a whole lot easier and studies have shown that multi-lingual individuals are better decision-makers. So, why not try to be one?

5 – Quiet your mind and learn how to trust your intuition through yoga or meditation as this will help you face difficult situations head-on.

6 – Let your imagination run wild and free through drawing, dancing or the practice of any form of art, which will make you feel good even if you're shy and don’t like to put your creations on display.

7 – Stop criticizing your body and accept it the way it is as this will make your 30s much easier. 

8 – Believe in a cause and volunteer for it. This cause will be your reward and will definitely make you happier and healthier. 


Mirella Haddad