
Tips to Get Fit for Summer in the Comfort of your Office

With summer just around the corner, we need to achieve the perfect body for all the parties and fun that awaits us. Most of us have those few extra kilos that we wish to remove and get oh-so-glamorous for the year’s most fun season. 

With this in mind, we will be helping you realize your goals with some useful tips. As we spend most of our time during the day at the office, the first thing we need to think of is how to get a healthier work schedule. Scroll down to take a look at these tips and most importantly, try your best to apply them.

1 – Avoid those little, yet full-of-calories, snacks that you crave during working hours. Instead, take a break, go outside for some fresh air or have a fruit. 

2 – Drink a lot of water to stay hydrated, which will help you avoid overeating.

3 – Take a walk during your lunch hour because we all know that when we get back home, we will never exercise. This walk will also help you de-stress and refresh. 

4 – If your lunch break is too short, use the stairs instead of the elevator or park your car far from your workplace, which will give you the chance to exercise in the morning and in the afternoon.

5 – For a balanced diet, eating healthy is not enough. You should also control the portions. A Salad packed with vegies is your way to fill your stomach and avoid feeling hungry for hours!

6 – Avoid being stressed out because of the work load, as this will affect your sleep and when we don’t sleep well, we tend to eat much more the next day. A vacation can also help you hibernate and restart with energy. 


Mirella Haddad