
CHARM SCHOOL: 5 Essential Rules for Wearing a Tiara

We all wish we were princesses, but that doesn’t mean we should impersonate one. While tiaras can add a touch of glamour to an outfit, it is absolutely essential to wear them the right way.

1) According to ancient etiquette, unmarried girls aren’t supposed to wear tiaras, as their youth is considered a more than sufficient adornment. Women should wear their first tiara on their wedding day.

2) Tradition also states that the tiara worn by a bride should come from her own family’s collection. After the wedding, she should only wear those from her husband’s family. But this rule only applies to royal families, as we were not all blessed with a collection of tiaras.

3) Diamonds should never be worn during the daytime, as to not compete with the sun. So tiaras should only come out in the evening.

4) A tiara is usually supported by a metal frame that is bound in velvet. The velvet should be the same color as the wearer’s hair. If it isn’t, then we recommend you get altered ASAP.

5) On your wedding day, do not attach the veil to your tiara. The weight of the veil will drag back your headpiece and will consequently force you to remove it quite early on in the night.


Tip: Make sure not to wash your hair just before wearing a tiara. This advice might sound a bit off but that tiny bit of grease will offer more grip.

Fact: Queen Mary used to wear a tiara every night she dined in private with her husband, George V.


Leonore Dicker