
The Flower Society Is Two, Let’s Celebrate!

The Flower Society chose to celebrate its second anniversary with an inspiring short film directed by Elie Fahed.

The Flower Society chose to celebrate its second anniversary with an inspiring short film directed by Elie Fahed. From the perspective that, just like women, flowers are the canvas for living with inspiration and passion, the campaign idea was born and the brand decided to share its journey with every soul who witnessed its miracle. Through the campaign, we are transported to the brand’s magical and beautiful world full of blooming flowers and women, simplicity, and softness. As for the chosen location, it couldn’t be anywhere but where this whole dream started; a small village in the beautiful green mountains of Lebanon, the small country with the biggest heart.

A beautiful society of flowers as its name suggests, the brand also gathers an astonishing society of women through a strong relationship between them both that has been built over time in perfect symmetry and finds that the need to blend them even further has become imminent.

Flowers, a poetic metaphor for life, have a beautiful dialogue with women who generate life, just like Mother Nature does.