With a new episode from its trip around the world, Montblanc explores New York. “The Library Spirit” campaign arrived at the “city that never sleeps” to continue exploring the inspirational power of libraries and the energy and diversity that distinguish the place. Internationally renowned photographer Mariano Vivanco shot this chapter at two locations: the first was the iconic New York Public Library in Midtown Manhattan, the landmark Beaux-Arts building that houses an exceptional collection of books and maps and is home to the famous Rose Main Reading Room, while the second one was a modern West Village loft with a desk in the spotlight as an intimate and personal space where books are read, ideas are developed and then captured on paper.
Adding their magical touches to the campaign were American model Garrett Neff, model, actress and bibliophile Liya Kebede, and model James Turlington who took the featured Montblanc marvels – from the Montblanc Extreme 3.0 Backpack with M LOCK 4810 buckle in forged iron to the Montblanc Extreme 3.0 142 Bag in black, the Montblanc Extreme 3.0 Compact Envelope Bag in fern blue, the Montblanc StarWalker SpaceBlue Metal Fineliner writing instrument, the Montblanc 1858 Iced Sea Grey Dial watch, and the new Montblanc MTB 03 In-Ear Headphones – to new levels.
All details, even the smallest ones, came together ever-so-perfectly, shedding light on New York as a global center for creativity that attracts passionate and talented creatives from around the world whether with its distinctive architecture, its museums, or anything in between. This city visions Montblanc’s story where traditional elegance and academic flair of the protagonists contrast, thus offering a modern-day take on a classic style.