
CHARM SCHOOL: The Art of Waiting

If you’re a real lady, you’re probably always on time. Sadly, this means you’ve often had to wait for others, who don’t have your impeccable manners. Waiting alone can be daunting – especially if you’ve got nothing to do, but it’s important to remain classy and elegant.

Most of us tend to go straight to our phones to check our messages or social media channels. While this might be tempting, it’s also something you’d be doing anyway, so why not use this time to do something productively different? Here are 3 constructive activities we recommend you partake in instead.

1) Always bring a book, newspaper or magazine with you to keep you company whilst you wait. Not only is reading a wonderful activity, it’s also one of the most refined things you could do.   

2) Another subtle –yet productive– thing you could do is a little workout. Whether you are standing up or sitting down, why not discreetly contract your abs and derrière 50 to 100 times? Not only does this keep you active, but it also keeps you fit!

3) And finally, we recommend that you create a to-do list. This will most definitely save you time in the near future and will put your life in order! 

If the person you are waiting for hasn’t arrived after 30 minutes, you are free to leave. No one should make a lady wait.


Leonore Dicker