Jewelry & Watches

The Ultimate Challenge – How to Keep Your Sparklers Tidy

When it comes to jewelry, every woman who cherishes them knows how important it is to keep them organized.
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When it comes to jewelry, every woman who cherishes them knows how important it is to keep them organized. Well, if you have a lot of precious items, the least you can do to keep them safe is tidying them up in a storage space fit for their nature and delicacy. Therefore, get ready for the big makeover, the one that will keep them all seen, reachable and tidy!

A lockable drawer can be a perfect home for your jewels. It keeps them well displayed and easily reachable, as you only must use your key to access them. However, if you don’t have the luxury of space, a well-designed jewelry box can do the job. Now, let’s tackle the essential!


Gemstones are fragile by nature, so your rings should be displayed between the cushions designed to carry them with a safe distance separating each from the other. If it’s a pair of earrings we’re talking about, it’s preferable to pack each one in a separate velvet pouch to protect them from scratches. As for the bracelets and necklaces, there are places in most jewelry boxes dedicated to these pieces, allowing them to be clearly displayed while keeping them distant from each other, so make sure the box you choose has this feature.                


As is the case with gem-set rings, gold rings should be also on display. Besides the fact that hidden pieces tend to be forgotten – which is definitely something we don’t want, gold surfaces can be scratched, making the piece not as appealing as it was when it was in a perfect condition, and we don’t want that either!

Pendants and necklaces

Nothing is more annoying than a tangled pendant and I guess we all agree on that. Therefore, avoid dedicating those little squared cases to organize your pendants and necklaces. If necklaces tend to be thicker, the thinness of a pendant makes it subject to tangling. So, nothing beats hanging them in their dedicated space in the jewelry box to avoid such incidents. You’ll see, their display while they are dangling will be even more appealing to your eye when choosing the jewels that you’d like to wear.


Like necklaces, these creations are subject to tangling especially if they are thin. With this in mind, make sure to place them separately in their space while stretching them as much as you can in order to avoid them getting mixed up with others.


The best way to organize your earrings if there is no scratchable elements in them, such as gold surfaces or gemstones, is by placing each pair in a small square compartment. This will help you keep them well displayed, organized and easily accessible. Imagine finding one without its match, this is most probably the nightmare of every woman on-the-go!


Brooches are often pieces with elaborate designs. So, gemstones are most probably the essence of your brooch and in order to preserve it from damages, a velvet bag is the ideal way to store it and could be placed in a free-spaced drawer of your jewelry box. With no need for a big compartment to store each of your brooches, this drawer will be their perfect home. 

Based on this detailed guide, you might need more than one box if you’re a real jewelry enthusiast, but anything seems easier than damaging marvels you cherish and plan to pass down to your beloved daughter!

Article Written by Mirella Haddad