
Feeling Tired? Here Are Ways to Keep You Energetic!

From the struggle to get out of bed to eyes that could snap shut at any time of the day and the feeling of heaviness in one’s head, feeling tired is a challenge we face on a regular basis.
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From the struggle to get out of bed to eyes that could snap shut at any time of the day and the feeling of heaviness in one’s head, feeling tired is a challenge we face on a regular basis. However, what about finding a way – or even ways – to avoid this, instead of surrendering to this ugly truth?

Don’t worry, we took care of it this time and will leave it to you to make the decision of trading your old, lazy lifestyle with another filled with energy, health and most importantly, peace of mind and body. So, ladies and gentlemen, here are a few tips to keep you going from day to night!

  • A great way to boost your daytime energy is letting the sunlight into your space. Whether you are at the office or at home, why opt for electric lighting while the sun is shining bright and begging to come into your place?
  • Planning to exercise today before getting your day started? That’s a great way to promote your energy levels and what could be even greater is taking advantage of this nice weather to work out outside.
  • Believe it or not, your choice of breakfast can really affect your energy. And if you want it to do so in a good way, nothing like protein can make the difference. So, options like eggs, yogurt and nuts will not only help you feel energetic unlike simple carbs and sugar but will also boost your ability to concentrate and be productive. Yes, this is the real deal!
  • More about your nutrition choices, caffeine is quite tricky to consume when feeling tired. It’s true that it boosts your energy on the spot but believe it or not, it can make you feel even more tired than you were when it wears off. Therefore, limit its consumption on such days.
  • Nicotine has the same effect as caffeine. It increases your heart rate and blood pressure and makes you crash once it wears off. So, if you smoke, you need to stop. This might seem hard but it’s absolutely worth it and your body will thank you for it later on!
  • A power nap, as its name suggests, can do wonders when you wake up feeling tired. So, there is nothing wrong in taking a short 20 to 30-minute siesta in the afternoon in order to recharge and regain your alertness for the rest of the day. Well, at least you can try it!
  • Stay hydrated! In fact, there is nothing in life that water can’t help cure. It’s always the magic solution that helps make every problem go away and this one is no exception. So, what are you waiting for to get yourself to drink enough water? If you didn’t yet, this is your chance to start!  

Article Written by Mirella Haddad