
Don’t Like to Exercise? Here Are 7 Solutions!

Like some of us wish to eat without gaining weight, some like to exercise without knowing it because they simply don’t like to!
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Like some of us wish to eat without gaining weight, some like to exercise without knowing it because they simply don’t like to! Well, if you are one, let us tell you that you are not alone. However, knowing how important exercising is for a fit lifestyle, we can always find a way or another to put our body in movement without labeling the matter as a workout.

Many are the hobbies that can actually be considered as a way to be active, but you might not know them yet. So, let us open your eyes on this wonderful truth!

  • Window shopping: I personally didn’t even think of it! How amazing is it to take a walk in the mall and feast your eyes on the pieces you love? We don’t think there is anything better than this one.
  • Surfing: If you love the sea, this could be a great adventure. It is also relaxing to feel that you’re walking on waters as the wind hits your skin. We think this one should be considered as a stress therapy that could become a true hobby.
  • Dancing: This is another therapeutic activity that gives you the opportunity to let it all out in the craziest of ways. So, lock yourself in a room, put those noise cancelling headphones and dance to your favorite music as you’d like because, well, no one is watching!
  • Use a standing desk: Besides being the latest of trends, working at home and sitting all the time can cause a great backpain. So, why not consider a standing desk to burn those calories while working? You’ll have all the afternoon free for your plans! Pretty tempting, no?
  • Park far from the supermarket’s entrance: Running errands at the supermarket is something we do almost every day. So, take this as an opportunity to be active not only while shopping, but also while heading to the entrance and back to your car by parking at the far end of the parking lot.
  • Walk during a phone call: We all know how frequent are our phone calls during the day, so why don’t you walk during the call instead of sitting and increase your step count? This could really make a difference, believe us!
  • Make your meeting an active one: This could actually be pretty interesting! Instead of meeting colleagues at a coffee shop, meet them over a tennis game or a walk in the park.

With these inspiring ideas, you will certainly find yourself exercising without knowing it. Remember, a fit lifestyle should also be fun!

Article Written by Mirella Haddad