
CHARM SCHOOL: A Guide to Office Etiquette

by Leonore Dicker
Going to work every morning isn’t always easy. Between the workload and the unfriendly colleagues, it can be challenging – but no matter what, never complain about your job at work. It is crucial to remain positive. You want others to enjoy your company and your energy.
It’s important to blend in with your colleagues –without getting too friendly– and to always leave your domestic drama at home. Avoid having personal phone conversations too. If you absolutely must take a social phone call, excuse yourself and step outside. It’ll show others that you are respectful of the work environment.
Make sure to never overstep your boundaries and always respect employee hierarchy. Don’t talk back to your boss and avoid being rude at all costs. There’s nothing less ladylike than attitude.
If someone makes a mistake at work, tell him or her discreetly and calmly. It’ll have far more impact and won’t make you look insolent. Public scenes should always be avoided. It is absolutely vital to remain polite and remember: Good email etiquette and phone manners go a long way.
While going to work when sick might make you look good, it won’t if you’re contagious. Make sure not to spread any diseases! No one wants to work next to Miss Sniffles or Mrs. Cough!
Most of all: Be committed, helpful and enthusiastic. Helping others and being friendly will earn you respect, as well as a golden reputation.
And Remember to:
-Never Gossip
-Always Be on Time
-Take note of your colleagues’ birthdays
-Keep your Desk Tidy
-Silence Your Phone